Monday, December 28, 2009

Send emails directly to dentists

Here's what we're offering for this week:

788,114 in total * 17,482 emails
Coverage in many different areas of medicine such as Endocrinology, Pathology, Urology,
Neurology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry, Cardiology and much more

16 different sortable fields

Searching for a Dentists Database? And uncover new opportunities? All data is verified:
US Dentists Database � Updated Records 2009
This database includes only licensed dentists:
New for this Year: Database of Dentists <> in America (reg$599)
<> 192,003 Dentists with City, State, Zip
<> 189,050 Addresses
<> 191,033hone Numbers
<> 95,226 Fax #'s
<> 51,440 E-Mail Addresses
Last-named* title* address1* city* state* zip* county* phone** Email Address* Fax Number* Website

Price for this week only = $296 listed above

reply here

Good until the end of this week.

contact for record exclusion.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We have contact data for the medical community

All data COMES (Excel format File fully exportable an unlimited usage license).
WE ACCEPT ALL CREDIT CARDS Euro card cards, as well as other payment methods:

Complete Physician Database 788,800 doctors available for direct mail
Physician Email 48,500 (17,441Unique) Physician Fax Database 202,466
First name* Last name* Title* Specialty* Address (city, state, zip, county)*Medical School
Attended* Residency Training* Phone/Fax * Email* Website* Primary Specialty* Secondary Specialty*

==== Package: Cost this WK ONLY $395.00====

*****Also included are the 6 list below*****
1= 7145 Hospitals*23,000 Administrators with Ph/fax and postal address. No emails (reg: $399)
2= Licensed Clinic/Dentist 597,959 Total Records*6,494 Emails*6,000 Fax Numbers. (reg: $599)
3= US Pharmaceutical Company 47,000 employees in high-ranking positions (reg: $299)
Executive's Directory Names and email addresses of
4= Chiropractors*108,421 with phone, 3,414 emails and 6,553 fax numbers. (reg: $399)
5= Acupuncture Database 23,988 records 1,826 emails (reg: $299)
6= Alternative Medicine Clinics and Practitioners Database (reg: $699)
There are 1,141,602 total records with 29,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers.

If you order before This WK you get the Dentist lists listed below to:
New for this Year: Database of Dentists <> in America <> (Regular price $390)
192,003 Dentists with City, State, Zip* 189,050 Addresses* 191,033hone Numbers
95,226 Fax #'s* 51,440 E-Mail Addresses

+++++++Good until the end of this week+++++++

I can give you any one for $149 or for three $329.00 of the list below

Chiropractors<>Alternative Medicine<>Veterinarians<>Hospitals<>National Health Service Corp Clinics
<>Nursing Homes<> Pharmaceutical Companies<>Physical Therapists<>Acupuncturists<>Hotels
Criminal Attorneys<>Real Estate Agents<>Massage Therapists<>Medical Equipment Suppliers
Mental Health Counselors<>Visiting Nurses & RN's<>Optometrists<>Pharmaceutical Companies
Psychologists<>Building Trades

send and email to:

Good until the end of this week.

To be erased from our list please send an email to